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作者: 邯郸翻译公司 发布时间:2017-04-27 11:59:48  点击率:

  When Spring cleaning season arrived this year I decided that it was time to get rid of more than just a Winter‘s worth of dust and dirt。 I decided that it was the time to get rid of years worth of accumulated stuff as well。 This stuff was lining my walls, filling my shelves, and crowding my closets。Wt9邯郸翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


  This stuff was cluttering my home and my mind and not bringing me one bit of happiness。 I couldn‘t even remember how I got some of it, but I knew I wanted it gone。Wt9邯郸翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


  It turned out to be an even bigger job than I thought。 Twenty year old bills and receipts were tossed in the trash。 File cabinets were cleaned of papers that were no longer necessary or needed。Wt9邯郸翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


  Broken bowls, dented pans, and cracked knickknacks were finally thrown away。 Unworn clothes were hauled out of the closet and bagged up to be given away to the local Goodwill。Wt9邯郸翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


  Old books were boxed up to be passed on for others to read and enjoy。 It took several days to get it all done,but in the end I was able to walk through a home that seemed a little less cluttered。 My heart was a lot lighter too。 It felt so good to be able to get rid of all the junk and to just focus on the essential stuff in life again。Wt9邯郸翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


  What is the essential stuff? What is the stuff that brings meaning to our days? A loving heart is essential。 A joyful spirit is essential。 A soul full of goodness and God is essential。Wt9邯郸翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


  And a lifefull of sharing all of these things is absolutely essential。 The essential stuff can‘t be bought, sold, or stored。 It can only be chosen, created, and given away。 The essential stuff is the stuff we all really want。 It is the stuff we all really need。Wt9邯郸翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司





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